All films [in English]

Humour against hacking

Cartoon Videos for the campaign

List of demo-videos

More films to come to opdate the awareness campaign.
Two or three times a year we release new themes with cartoons, tests and other ingredients.

Below: all films in demo versions of 30-40 seconds duration

» Contact Kelsa Media if you would like to have access to the films in full length

Lock your pc

» Read more about the theme of this campaign: Lås din pc (in Danish language)


» Read more about the theme of this campaign: Passwords (in Danish language)


» Read more about the theme of this campaign: Phishing (in Danish language)


» Read more about the theme of this campaign: Ransomware (in Danish language)

Confidential information – in general

Confidential information – in mails etc.

 Data secure storing


Contakt Kelsa Media for links if you’s like to access and watch films in full length.